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Clients' Comments

Ahna sodisfatti hafna bis-servizz ta' Norbert. Kien vera professjonali f'xoghlu, mill-ewwel darba li ltqajna mieghu sa dakinhar tat-tieg. Xi haga li vera hadna pjacir biha kien il-fatt li Norbert sema' dak li ahna xtaqna u mexa skond il-gosti taghna. Jidher car li Norbert ghandu esperjenza vasta u b'hekk kapaci jadatta skond dak li jkunu jixtiequ l-gharajjes. Dak in-har tat-tieg vera morna tajjeb ghax kien hemm preparazzjoni tajba minn qabel u ahna konna mohhna mistrieh li fejn tidhol il-musika ma kinx se kollna problemi.

Tania u Steve - December 2002

We would like to congratulate you and your team for the wonderful performance that you gave during our wedding ceremony. It was really original to have a capella voices for the wedding mass. You have a team of professional singers.. really impressing!!

Marilyn & Charles – September 2004

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