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Clients' Comments

We never wanted our wedding to be the same like any other wedding, and when it comes to choosing the music, being different is almost impossible. That is what we thought until we discovered Norbert and his choir through an advert on a local website. From the first minute that we heard them rehearsing we knew that they could offer us that something un-traditional, yet fresh, very professional and all this at a very reasonable price. All those present at the ceremony where amused in hearing something new and very pleasant to the ear. A special mention goes to the quality of the sound which was superb. Each choir singer had a dedicated microphone and the sound system was very professional unlike other weddings that I attended where wedding singers use either the sound system provided by the church or else make use of outdated equipment. Even when the wedding mass was over, people stayed in their places until the choir finished performing their last song. I definitely recommend Norbert and his choir but as they say "Seeing (or in this case Hearing) is Believing". That's why I'm sure that you will be impressed when you hear the real thing.

Alexia & Noel – June 2005

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